These reports will help you see how popular all your various classes are. Look at every attendance in your studio with the class attendance report or find out who is most popular teacher with the attendance by instructor report.


Class Attendance

This is one our most robust reports that you can download, open in Excel or Numbers and play with the data as you wish.

Class attendance reports have a lot of filters and options so click on 'show more options' to see them all. You can filter dates, show classes with any set amount of attendances, select what pass type was used to pay for the attendance, choose to include tashed passes and special events.

Once you run this report you can view the graph to see instructor totals. Click and drag this graph to zoom in. Also, the table at the bottom will show you exact details for every attendance that fits your filtered specs.

Download this report to see even more details!



Attendance by Instructor

Select a date range and an instructor to see all their attendances. We will show you the class name, day & time, a list of the students in the class and also the total number of students.

Class Graph

This report will give you a graph of attendances in your studio between any given time period and you include special events if you wish.

Classes by Tag

This report will allow you view classes based on their class tag. You can also view and manage your existing tags from this report.