Tula's retention center allows you to use multiple filters to create a list of students and you can easily email these students directly from within Tula's main web app. It also allows you to send emails to a list of students created in any of our reports or to indivduals in your studio. In this section we will talk about how to setup your the retention center and start sending emails right away.


Retention Center Settings

Go to menu -> retention center to access retention center settings. This feature is only available with our Mala and Mudra plans but if you want to upgrade your Tula account to use the retention center then you can do so from the settings page. Once your account is upgraded it is time to to enter in your studio details.



From Name: Enter whatever name you want retention emails to be from.

Repy-To Email: Enter the email address that any replies to your retention center emails should go to.

Organization Name: Most of the time this will be your studio name.

Now enter your business address and you'll be all set!