With the proper permission level, you can add new people to your studio in a variety of ways. See the screenshots below to see how you add new people from your web browser, and when checking students in from your web browser.  Also learn about how students can create and claim their account.



Adding Someone using Web Browser

Go to 'Add' at the top of any page in Tula right next to the search bar.

Personal Info: Add student's first name, last name, email and phone.

Role: Assign the role this person should have in your studio based on Tula's roles and permissions.

Invitation: If you add an Admin, Desk or Instructor then you have the option to send them an invitation to your Tula account.

Profile web Page: If you assign this person as an instructor of a class then their name will be linked to the link you put in this field. You should put the link to their profile page on your website.

Add new user and you're all set!


Adding Students While Checking People in via Web Browser

Easily add new students and check them into class from the class page in Tula


Personal Info


To add a student and check them into a class:

1. Go to the event page of the class

2. In the check in section click on 'add a new person'

3. Enter in their personal info and click on 'check in now'

This will create their account in your studio and check them into the class at the same time. If you use class registration you can also follow these same steps but add them to the registration section of the event instead of the check in section.

Students Creating or Claiming Their Accounts

Once you have embedded our website widgets into your site, students can create or claim an account. No matter what widget you use the process is going to be the same.

Once you have added students or once they have interacted with your business in some way and their email address is in the system, they can then claim their accounts. 

If they are new or if their email is not in the system then they can create their account.

Students have a variety choices on where they can claim or create their account from:

  • Student Access widget
  • Login link on the payment form or embedded calendar
  • Student Portal
Claim Account - To claim their account they can enter their email address and Tula will send them an email that contains a link that will allow them to set their password.
Create Account - If Tula does not recognized the email address entered then the student can create a new account by entering in their perosnal info and also create a password.